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How to Get Rid of Callus on Finger

How To Get Rid Of Calluses On Hands

May 24, 2019

How to get rid of calluses on hands

How To Get Rid Of Calluses On Hands

Proper callus care is an essential part of any athlete skin care routine. Whether you do Crossfit, rock climb, or do gymnastics, calluses require care and attention if you want to keep your hands healthy and in optimal shape. As time goes on and you become more dedicated to your hobby, your calluses will build up and it will become vital that you take care of them. Developing calluses that aren't properly maintained lead to hand tears so you'll need to implement a hand care system to stay active.

There is one important thing to keep in mind: you don't want to completely remove your calluses. They form a barrier in high friction areas, protecting your hands from any physical aggressors working against them.

What you do want to do is maintain them by shaving them down so that they are in line with the rest of the skin. At this level, they are able to properly protect your skin without getting in the way of your workout or weight lifting.

On top of that, calluses that are too thick can lead to hand tears, just like calluses that aren't built up enough. You need to find that sweet spot if you want to steer clear of crossfit hand tears or ripping skin.

Thankfully, it is easy to implement a preventative athlete hand care system into your routine. If you are looking to take care of your calluses and keep your hands in top shape, the two main callus maintenance methods below are best. You can skip the home remedies like baking soda, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar!

The Pumice Stone Method

Many athletes include pumice stones as part of their crossfit callus care routine. The stones have rough surfaces ideal for helping you get rid of any dead skin cells. While they seem like they can be harsh on the skin, the abrasive surface provides just the right amount of friction to be effective yet gentle.

You can find cheap pumice stones at the drugstore but seek out a high-quality option if you want to get the best results on corns and calluses. Our Natural Pumice Stone is oblong shaped and much more porous than what you will find at the drugstore. Since ours are natural, they are more abrasive, more durable, and last much longer. They are also free of glue and gross synthetic ingredients unlike the cheap drugstore varieties.

A pumice stone works best on skin that has been softened by water. Warm water soak your hands for five to ten minutes or use in or right after you get out of a shower. For an extra treat, take an epsom salt bath. You use it by gently rubbing it over the damp callused skin on your hands. Move the stone in different directions so it works the callused area from all angles.

Since the calluses are soft, the top layer of skin will come off fairly easily, so use light pressure. Continue this process until the calluses are in line with the rest of your hand. Knock or rinse off any dead skin that builds up on the stone along the way.

The Callus Shaver Method

A callus shaver is another popular option that many athletes turn to as part of their crossfit callus care routine. The w.o.d.welder Callus Shaver is a perfect option for anyone as it is easy to use and has a protective safety guard that prevents you from shaving too deeply. Maintenance is also easy, as the blades only need to be replaced every 2-3 months.

A callus shaver is safe to use on either wet or dry skin. We recommend using it on dry skin, as you are more likely to shave off more skin than is necessary when using it on wet, soft skin. Dry skin leaves a more protective barrier, ensuring you are shaving off the least amount of skin necessary.

You use the callus shaver by simply dragging it over any thick, overgrown calluses. When the skin builds up in the blades, lightly tap it on a hard surface to knock it out and repeat on other affected areas.

Creating a Athlete Hand Care Routine

Both tools are great for effectively taking care of calluses so it comes down to personal preference. Some people use one or the other, while some use a shaver for larger ridges and a pumice stone for smoothing bumps out.

How often you need to maintain your calluses will vary from person to person. Most athletes use some form of callus removal a few times a week to keep them at an optimal level. By keeping your hands in perfect shape, you'll be able to hit heavy weights or your hobby of choice as often as you'd like.

Regardless of what method you use, you will always want to follow up with some form of hand moisturizing cream to keep the skin hydrated and healthy. If you are looking for products to round out your hand care system, check out our other athlete skin care products. Our line includes natural and innovative options that help athletes in any sport keep torn calluses at bay, and maintain their skin at a functional and healthy level.

How to Get Rid of Callus on Finger
